SimBioSys Introduces TumorSight Plan: Clinical Support for Early-Stage Breast Cancer

SimBioSys®, an innovative TechBio firm harnessing spatial biophysics with artificial intelligence (AI) and computational modeling to revolutionize precision medicine in cancer, is thrilled to unveil its latest clinical offering, TumorSight Plan. This groundbreaking application is the first of its kind, offering a data-driven approach to surgical planning for the 270,000+ patients diagnosed annually with early-stage breast cancer in the U.S.

Surgery stands as the primary treatment option for the majority of early-stage breast cancer patients. However, surgeons often lack precise tools for treatment planning, leading to uncertainties regarding tumor removal and cosmetic outcomes. This uncertainty can sway decisions towards mastectomy over breast-conserving surgery.

With the introduction of TumorSight Plan, surgeons now have access to visualization tools, data-driven insights, and best practices to facilitate more informed provider-patient interactions and tailor treatment plans to individual needs. Powered by the FDA-cleared TumorSight Viz, a 3D visualization solution supporting MRI imaging in Breast Cancer, both TumorSight Plan and Viz are available to breast surgeons nationwide and will be showcased at the American Association of Breast Surgeon’s conference in Orlando from April 11th to 13th.

Dr. Christy Teal, Director of Breast Care Center and Chief of Breast Surgery at GW Medical, hailed TumorSight suite as a significant breakthrough in utilizing AI to strike a balance between standardized decision-making and personalized medicine. SimBioSys plans to expand the TumorSight platform to incorporate additional innovative tools across surgical planning, risk assessment, treatment selection, and precision dosing, aiming to provide comprehensive support throughout the cancer care journey.

Barry Rosen, MD, CMO of SimBioSys, emphasized the importance of data-driven tools in surgical planning, stating that TumorSight Plan enables surgeons to make more analytical, patient-centric decisions, potentially leading to a higher percentage of women undergoing breast conservation surgery.

About SimBioSys, Inc.

SimBioSys is a pioneering TechBio company leveraging spatial biophysics, artificial intelligence, and computational modeling to redefine precision medicine and transform cancer care. With a focus on empowering clinicians, patients, and researchers with a deeper understanding of tumors, SimBioSys aims to deliver truly individualized patient care and revolutionize cancer treatment.

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