RHÖN-KLINIKUM Campus Bad Neustadt Earns Triple Recognition for Neurological Expertise

Securing certification alone is a significant achievement: The neurological specialist clinics at RHÖN-KLINIKUM Campus Bad Neustadt have once again undergone several certification procedures, earning triple recognition for their high-quality standards in patient care.

High-quality medical care is the top priority at RHÖN-KLINIKUM Campus Bad Neustadt. To uphold this commitment and ensure transparency in treatment quality, an independent body regularly assesses and confirms the expertise in medical management structures and patient care. Many specialist departments at Bad Neustadt have subjected themselves to these external audits for years. The certification processes are supported and guided by the campus’s Quality Management Department representatives.

ISO 9001:2015 Certification Achieved

Founded in 1991, the Neurology Clinic has established itself as a premier center for neurological acute and rehabilitation medicine in Germany. The clinic has now received distinguished recognition in quality management with overall certification according to ISO 9001:2015. This internationally recognized certificate confirms that all three neurological departments, led by chief physicians Dr. Hassan Soda (Clinic for Acute Neurology/Stroke Unit and Neurological Intensive Care Medicine), Dr. Volker Ziegler (Clinic for Neurological Early Rehabilitation and Neurological Intensive Care Medicine), and Dr. Tobias Knieß (Clinic for Neurological Rehabilitation), maintain a particularly high standard of patient care. Over two days, the neurological departments met the rigorous requirements of the ISO procedure and excelled. Auditors closely examined the processes and procedures in medical, nursing, and therapeutic patient care, diagnostics, and the interfaces to central administration and care facilities.

“We are extremely proud of the successful overall certification of our neurological departments,” said Dr. Hassan Soda. “Some clinics achieve these certifications in individual areas, but overall certification is rare.” Dr. Volker Ziegler and Dr. Tobias Knieß added, “This award confirms the highest level of medical and nursing care quality, made possible by the excellent work of all employees through interdisciplinary collaboration in a multi-professional team tailored to patients’ individual needs.”

Supraregional Stroke Unit Recertified

Stroke patients at RHÖN-KLINIKUM Campus Bad Neustadt receive care in a specialized ward designed for rapid and effective stroke diagnosis and treatment. Serving 1,000 patients annually, the Stroke Unit adheres to stringent certification guidelines as a “Supra-regional Stroke Unit.” This involves demonstrating close interdisciplinary cooperation among various specialist areas involved in stroke treatment. The interfaces with the central emergency room, radiology, cardiology, and vascular surgery clinics are also evaluated. The Clinic for Acute Neurology/Stroke Unit and Neurological Intensive Care Medicine passed the quality assessment with flying colors, earning recertification from the German Stroke Society (DSG) and the German Stroke Aid.

“Q-Reha” Quality Seal for Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation clinics undergo regular certification audits to verify effective quality management. Patients at RHÖN-KLINIKUM Campus Bad Neustadt’s rehabilitation facilities receive top-notch care. The Clinic for Neurological Rehabilitation, in joint certification with cardiological and hand rehabilitation, successfully completed the quality assessment through the Q-Reha procedure, a legal requirement for several years.

Overall, these certifications underscore RHÖN-KLINIKUM Campus Bad Neustadt’s commitment to providing exceptional healthcare, reflecting the dedication and expertise of its interdisciplinary teams.

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