Nurturing Care and Leadership at Murray Halberg Village

When assuming the role of village manager, having years of industry expertise as a trained nurse and clinical manager is certainly a valuable asset.

Murray Halberg Village takes pride in its exceptional care facilities, making it an ideal destination for Janine Snape to continue her healthcare journey. With 11 years of experience at Ryman Healthcare, most of which as a clinical manager and leader of Ryman’s Covid response team, Janine is now stepping into the top position as Murray Halberg Village Manager.

Janine finds working at Ryman incredibly fulfilling. “I love it, it’s such a supportive environment. Residents are so kind, and it really is great to see them happy and having fun,” she says.

Since assuming her new role earlier this year, Janine has already begun leaving her mark on the vibrant and popular Lynfield village. Just like new residents moving into Murray Halberg Village, she has fully immersed herself into retirement life. Janine has experienced fine dining, happy hour with the residents, and even joined in on quiz night. She believes it’s essential to truly understand the residents’ experiences.

Despite her new responsibilities, care remains at the core of Janine’s mission, alongside her dedicated team at Murray Halberg Village. “Our team are so kind and caring, and they treat residents like their own family.”

The village offers a variety of living options, from independent living in an apartment to rest home, hospital, and dementia level care. Janine ensures that excellence is always pursued, making Murray Halberg Village a wonderful place to work.

In her new role, Janine gets to experience all aspects of village life and witness the residents’ joy as they settle in and explore new opportunities. Retirement village living offers flexibility and choice, as evidenced by residents who can easily travel and explore new destinations without worries.

The diverse and inclusive community at Murray Halberg Village fosters a unique social network that residents eagerly embrace, adds Janine.

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