AMN Healthcare Introduces Market Insights for ShiftWise Flex: Enhancing Healthcare Talent Strategy with Dynamic Intelligence

ShiftWise Flex, a cutting-edge vendor management system (VMS) designed specifically for healthcare organizations, is proud to introduce Market Insights, an innovative live market intelligence report seamlessly integrated into the platform.

Market Insights offers real-time snapshots of bill rate pricing, comprehensive market datasets, customizable market comparisons, and more. With daily updates, this feature provides healthcare organizations with the latest information necessary to make informed decisions and optimize their workforce management strategies and costs.

Key features of Market Insights include:

  • Side-by-side analyses that compare client data with market data tailored to the user’s specific needs.
  • Data segmentation by skillset and geography, offering detailed information.
  • The ability to compare historical data with current trends, enabling organizations to understand pricing and demand fluctuations over time.
  • Bookmark and subscription features that allow users to save important insights and set up automated updates.
  • Exportable data tables for further analysis or integration into other systems.

“Market Insights represents a significant milestone in our commitment to empowering healthcare organizations with the tools they need to succeed,” said Nishan Sivathasan, Division President of Technology and Workforce Solutions at AMN Healthcare. “By providing up-to-date market intelligence and real-time reporting, we’re enabling our clients to make informed, data-driven decisions, optimize resource allocation, and ultimately improve patient care.”

This tool delivers automated bill rate pricing for recently booked and current open positions, promoting proactive financial visibility across the entire enterprise. Leveraging nursing and allied contingent staffing datasets covering all 50 U.S. states and DC, including 839 metro areas and an average of 70 unique healthcare facilities per state, Market Insights offers comprehensive data for in-depth analysis.

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