Grin Debuts Innovative 3D Treatment Tracking Tool at AAO 2024

Grin, a leading virtual care platform for digital oral healthcare solutions, is thrilled to unveil its groundbreaking treatment tracking technology, The Grin 3D Tx Tracker™, alongside a suite of highly efficient tools aimed at enhancing the Grin Premium experience at the American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) 2024 Annual Session.

The Grin 3D Tx Tracker™ provides practitioners with a precise method of tracking treatment progress, offering unparalleled insights and control over patient care. This 3D Progression Comparison tool represents a significant advancement in orthodontic treatment monitoring, analyzing patient progress in real-time and comparing it to the original treatment plan stages. Compatible with major aligner brands and custom digital braces providers, Grin’s patented technology allows for smart detection of treatment goals or off-track teeth.

By leveraging real patient data, practitioners can refine treatment strategies and make informed decisions while saving time. Automated treatment tracking facilitates improved clinical outcomes, leading to shorter treatment durations and enhanced patient experiences.

Additionally, Grin introduces a new suite of tools to enhance the Grin Premium experience. Practices utilizing Grin’s Premium service will benefit from embedded, streamlined, and highly traceable treatment management tools, including real-time data visualization, customizable monitoring and patient care features, and integrated communication tools. These tools aim to deepen insights into patient needs and elevate the level of service provided.

Exciting new features include:

  • Real-time Data Visualization: Tracking analytics and visual representations enable orthodontists to easily monitor changes and identify trends in patient treatment.
  • Customizable Monitoring and Patient Care: Tailored care protocols, including specific assistants for Aligners Tx, Braces Tx, Oral Hygiene, etc., ensure detailed patient care.
  • Integrated Communication Tools: Seamless integration with Grin’s internal communication tools promotes collaboration and efficiency among care team members, facilitating secure and convenient communication.

These releases build upon Grin’s commitment to innovation, adding to a range of functionalities introduced in recent months, such as Automation, Scan Share with external clinicians, Scan Comparison, enhanced self-scanning experiences, and new features in The Grin RecordsApp, including image optimization.

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