72 Million U.S. Women Have Postponed Essential Screenings

A recent survey by Hologic, Inc., reveals that a significant number of American women have postponed or skipped crucial health screenings, despite acknowledging their importance. This national study, conducted by Gallup on behalf of Hologic, underscores a concerning “Screening Action Gap,” affecting an estimated 72 million women who have delayed screenings for conditions such as breast, cervical, and colorectal cancers — ailments responsible for over 70,000 deaths annually among U.S. women.

The survey, part of Hologic’s commitment to the Global Women’s Health Index, highlights critical insights into women’s health attitudes and challenges within the United States. Stephen P. MacMillan, Chairman, President, and CEO of Hologic, emphasized the significance of measurement in driving improvement: “This survey sheds light on the obstacles women face in prioritizing their health. It’s alarming that millions miss screenings due to factors like cost, anxiety, and past negative experiences. We hope this data prompts greater awareness, education, and policy changes to enhance screening rates.”

Key findings include:

  • Despite 90% recognizing the importance of regular screenings, over 40% have delayed or skipped recommended tests.
  • Commonly missed screenings include those for breast (41%), cervical (35%), and colorectal (33%) cancers.
  • Reasons cited for skipping screenings include unawareness of the necessity (24%), anxiety (20%), lack of time (20%), and concerns about discomfort (17%).
  • Black women, compared to other racial groups, exhibit higher awareness of screening importance but are less likely to have skipped screenings.
  • Challenges such as insufficient information and limited communication with healthcare professionals contribute to the screening gap, with many women unsure about which screenings they need.
  • Emotional barriers, particularly feeling overwhelmed (72%) and emotional health issues (60%), further hinder prioritization of personal health among women, especially those with children.

The survey underscores the urgent need for targeted interventions to improve awareness, access, and support for women’s health screenings across the United States.

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