2024 Global Infectious Disease Diagnostics Report by ResearchAndMarkets.com

ResearchAndMarkets.com now offers the “Global Infectious Disease In vitro Diagnostics Market (2024 Edition)” report. This comprehensive analysis covers various aspects including technology (such as Immunoassay, Molecular Diagnostics, Microbiology, and Other Technologies), product type, end user, region, and country, providing valuable market insights and forecasts from 2020 to 2030.

The Global Infectious Disease In vitro Diagnostics market experienced a growth rate of 2.45% during 2020-2023, reaching a value of USD 65.86 Billion in 2023, projected to hit USD 80.31 Billion by 2030.

This report offers a comprehensive analysis covering the historical period of 2020-2023, estimates for 2024, and forecasts for 2025-2030. It examines the Infectious Disease In vitro Diagnostics Market across regions (Americas, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa) and 10 Countries (United States, Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, China, Japan, India).

The global market encompasses a wide array of diagnostic tests and technologies to detect and manage infectious diseases, crucial for disease surveillance, outbreak control, patient management, and public health interventions.

Driving factors include the rising prevalence of infectious diseases, demand for rapid and accurate diagnostics, technological advancements, and growing awareness of early disease detection. Globalization, urbanization, population growth, and environmental changes also contribute to the demand for diagnostic tests.

Competition among key players like diagnostic manufacturers and biotechnology firms fuels innovation and product launches to meet evolving healthcare needs.

The report covers:

  • Market analysis by value (USD Billion)
  • Analysis by region and 10 Countries
  • Analysis by Technology (Immunoassay, Molecular Diagnostics, Microbiology, Other Technologies)
  • Analysis by Product Type (Instruments, Reagents, and Services)
  • Analysis by End Users (Point of care, Central Laboratories, and Other End Uses)
  • Insights through SWOT and Porter’s Five Forces Analysis
  • Opportunities, trends, drivers, and challenges
  • Competitive developments, strategies, mergers, acquisitions, and new product development

Analyst recommendations include investment in education and training, leveraging AI for advancements, and competitive positioning strategies.

Key companies profiled:

  • F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG
  • OraSure technologies
  • PerkinElmer Inc.
  • Abbott Laboratories
  • Thermo Fisher
  • Becton, Dickinson and Company
  • Hologic, Inc.
  • Danaher Corporation
  • Bio-Rad Laboratories

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