Working to address modern slavery

alk Free’s 2023 Global Slavery Index estimates that almost 50 million people around the world are being coerced, threatened or deceived in order to be exploited and have their freedom undermined.

Modern slavery is a broad term that includes human trafficking, slavery, servitude, forced labour, child labour and debt bondage.

And if you think Australia is immune, then think again. The index estimates there are currently around 41,000 people in the ‘lucky’ country living or working in modern slavery conditions in some form.

As a supporter of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, we recognise the role that corporate Australia can play in helping combat modern slavery worldwide.

While 85% of our supply chain is considered low risk, there are areas that have a higher exposure to modern slavery risk. Our 4th modern slavery statement sets out these risks and what we’re doing to address them.

This year our team continued to build on a program of work to prevent modern slavery in our operations and across our supply chain and operational partners. With a big focus on governance and due diligence as well as using our platform to educate and raise awareness, our key achievements included:

  • Developing new (or strengthened existing) policies and procedures to steer the right behaviours and controls to manage modern slavery risks and issues
  • Influencing investigative and remedial actions after identifying an issue within our extended supply chain
  • Leading a sector-wide webinar event to promote understanding of modern slavery risks among suppliers and stakeholders
  • Raising awareness of modern slavery among overseas students and seasonal workers and their agents, and also our employees.

An ethical and sustainable supply chain is an important part of our vision to create the best health and wellbeing for Australia. We are proud of our progress to date and look forward to building on our achievements next year.

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