Study Shows Baxter’s HDx Therapy Lowers Mortality Rate by 25% Over Four Years

A leading innovator in kidney care and organ support has revealed groundbreaking findings today. New data unveiled during the 61st Congress of the European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Congress indicates that expanded hemodialysis (HDx therapy), facilitated by Theranova dialyzer, may lower the risk of all-cause mortality by approximately 25% over a span of four years compared to high-flux hemodialysis (HF HD).

The study, titled “Survival of expanded hemodialysis and high-flux hemodialysis patients in Colombia: a cohort study,” draws from a comprehensive 48-month observational cohort study involving 1,092 dialysis patients across 11 Baxter Renal Care Services Centers in Colombia. Among these patients, 533 underwent high-flux hemodialysis, while 559 received HDx therapy. HDx therapy, distinguished by its capacity to efficiently eliminate large-middle molecules, aims to mimic the kidney’s natural filtration process more closely. Many of these large-middle molecule uremic toxins are implicated in inflammation, cardiovascular disease, and other complications seen in dialysis patients. HDx therapy utilizes Baxter’s Theranova dialyzer with the MCO membrane, which effectively filters a broader range of middle molecule uremic toxins, especially those not adequately removed by conventional hemodialysis treatments.

Professor Peter Rutherford, MB BS, PhD, Vice President of Medical Affairs for Kidney Care at Baxter, expressed enthusiasm regarding the study’s results, noting the significant potential of Baxter’s Theranova dialyzer in reducing mortality rates among chronic kidney disease patients. Treatments that emulate natural kidney function have demonstrated lower rates of complications, offering a protective shield for kidney patients.

Aside from its efficacy in clearance, HDx therapy facilitated by Theranova dialyzer is user-friendly, comparable to conventional hemodialysis (HD), and compatible with all HD machines. This feature enables clinics to seamlessly incorporate HDx therapy into their existing infrastructure, eliminating the need for additional equipment and workflow adjustments required for other dialysis modalities like HDF. To date, over 14 million dialysis sessions worldwide have utilized Theranova dialyzer across more than 850 clinics. Further details on Baxter’s HDx therapy can be accessed at

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