Henry Schein Opens Customer Assistance Hotline in Response to Hawaii Wildfires

Henry Schein, Inc. (Nasdaq: HSIC) reminds its customers in Hawaii that the Henry Schein Customer Assistance Hotline is open for dentists and physicians who may experience operational, logistical, or financial issues as a result of damage caused by the recent wildfires.

The toll-free number for all Henry Schein customers is 800-999-9729. The hotline is open 24/7, with real-time assistance available from Team Schein Members from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern Time.

“We are saddened to hear of the wildfires in Maui and throughout the Hawaiian islands, and our deepest sympathies are with the individuals who have been affected,” said Stanley M. Bergman, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Henry Schein. “As we witness the impact of the fires, we encourage our customers to contact our hotline for assistance with recovery and rebuilding efforts. Team Schein is committed to supporting health care professionals when it matters most, and we are here to help face these challenges together.”

The Henry Schein Customer Assistance Hotline remains open throughout the year to help practitioners during their preparation and recovery from disasters. To help meet the challenges of rebuilding a practice in the wake of a natural disaster, practitioners can download our Recovery Guide for Office-Based Practitioners.

About Henry Schein Cares

Henry Schein Cares stands on five pillars: empowering Team Schein to reach their potential, advancing health equity and expanding access to care for underserved communities, accelerating environmental sustainability, strengthening and diversifying our supply chain, and maintaining strong ethical governance. Health care activities supported by Henry Schein Cares focus on four main areas: (1) wellness, treatment, prevention, and education; (2) capacity building; (3) emergency preparedness and disaster response; and (4) health system strengthening.

Rooted in a deep commitment to social responsibility and the philosophy of enlightened self-interest championed by Benjamin Franklin, the purpose-driven vision of Henry Schein Cares is “doing well by doing good.” Our commitment to sustained, long-term economic success while also creating shared value for society is achieved through the work of Henry Schein Cares and our stakeholder model that engages all five constituents of our Mosaic of Success.

Source: https://investor.henryschein.com/

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