Flinn Foundation Study Identifies Bioscience Growth Areas in Greater Phoenix

A recent study of Phoenix’s bioscience ecosystem has pinpointed three areas poised for significant growth and global impact, centered around the Phoenix Bioscience Core and surrounding regional hubs of research and innovation.

The report, titled “Leveraging the Phoenix Region’s Bioscience Assets for Sustained Economic Growth,” highlights the following key areas:

  1. Precision oncology/medicine, offering personalized targeted cancer diagnosis and care through molecular diagnostics.
  2. Digital health, weartech, and medtech, including wearable electronic devices, telehealth, disease detection, and remote monitoring.
  3. Translational neurosciences bridging brain research and treatments.

Commissioned by the Flinn Foundation, the study aims to drive the state’s bioscience and biomedical industry growth by fostering partnerships between industry, clinical care, and academic research and development.

Phoenix is already home to globally recognized research excellence and innovation institutes. The city’s bioscience core, in particular, is a 30-acre innovation cluster housing leading research institutes, major health care systems, and universities. These include TGen, International Genomics Consortium, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University, and the University of Arizona, among others.

The study also recommends a more coordinated regional business development effort, increased networking and collaboration activities, deeper business knowledge to support startups, and access to high-quality population health databases.

With these insights, Phoenix is poised to continue its growth as a bioscience and innovation core, focusing on areas that can lead to significant advancements in healthcare and economic prosperity.

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