Cellino Secures $25M Funding from ARPA-H

Cellino Biotech, Inc. announced today that it has been awarded up to $25 million by the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health (ARPA-H), a division of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. The funding will support the development of Cellino’s NEBULA (NExt-generation Biomanufacturing ULtra-scalable Approach) project, which aims to create an ultra-scalable, autonomous, cassette-based technology for advanced biomanufacturing of personalized regenerative medicines. This project is the first to receive funding from ARPA-H’s Scalable Solutions Mission Office under the Open Broad Agency Announcement.

With support from ARPA-H, Cellino Biotech will develop a cassette-based biomanufacturing technology designed to scale up the production of personalized regenerative cells, such as induced pluripotent stem cells, across hospitals nationwide. This technology aims to create curative treatments for a range of chronic conditions affecting a diverse and aging U.S. population. Personalized cells and tissues reduce immune-related complications and improve health equity by eliminating the need for donor matches. The NEBULA project will accelerate the approval and deployment of regenerative medicines for diseases like Parkinson’s, heart disease, spinal cord injuries, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetes, which impact over 50 million Americans.

“At Cellino, we are pioneering AI-driven biomanufacturing technology to personalize cells, tissues, and organs, transforming the treatment of some of the most challenging diseases,” said Nabiha Saklayen, Ph.D., CEO & Co-Founder of Cellino. “ARPA-H’s support will help us speed up our innovation and deliver potentially curative cell therapies to patients nationwide and beyond.”

“We’re excited about this support from ARPA-H,” said Matthias Wagner, CTO & Co-Founder of Cellino. “This funding will help us leverage advancements in physics, cell therapy technologies, and AI to enhance the scalability of high-precision biomanufacturing and make ‘Your cells, your cure’ a reality for millions.”

“Advancements in biomanufacturing, AI, and supply chain logistics are essential for delivering cutting-edge therapeutics nationwide,” said Jason Roos, Ph.D., Director of ARPA-H’s Scalable Solutions Mission Office. “Ensuring that manufacturing scales alongside regenerative health innovations is crucial for improving affordability and access to essential medications.”

Cellino’s proprietary technology automates traditionally manual processes using an AI-guided, laser-based cell management system, aiming to reduce variability and improve consistency in biomanufactured cell and tissue products. The company’s optical bioprocess will lower costs for personalized regenerative medicine by using patient-specific closed cassettes, aligning with ARPA-H’s mission to enhance health outcomes for all.

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