Glycocalyx Institute Reveals Study Linking Microvascular Health to Fewer Cancer Therapy Side Effects

The Glycocalyx Research Institute is excited to announce groundbreaking results from a recent study exploring the impact of microvascular health—comprising the vast network of tiny capillaries in the body—on acute side effects from radiation therapy in breast, prostate, and head and neck cancer patients. The study, titled The Microvascular Health Status Predicts Radio-Induced Acute Toxicities in Breast, Prostate, and Head and Neck Cancer Patients, was published in the International Journal of Radiation Oncology and was conducted in collaboration with the Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori and the University of Verona Hospital Trust. It reveals that better microvascular health can significantly lower the risk of severe radiation therapy side effects.

The research involved 63 breast cancer patients, 38 prostate cancer patients, and 39 head and neck cancer patients. Results showed that those with the healthiest microvascular systems experienced no adverse side effects, while those with poorer microvascular health suffered more severe reactions.

The study employed the Glycocalyx Research Institute’s GlycoCheck™ imaging device, developed by Dr. Hans Vink, to assess microvascular health before radiation therapy. This non-invasive device captures the movement of red blood cells in microvessels and calculates a comprehensive MicroVascular Health Score (MVHS).

Dr. Hans Vink commented, “This study underscores the crucial role of microvascular health in determining the side effects of radiation therapy. Patients with healthier microvessels experienced fewer adverse effects, highlighting the need to maintain microvascular integrity.”

The study demonstrated that those with optimal microvascular health faced no ill effects, while individuals with compromised microvascular systems experienced the most severe side effects.

Dr. Vink also noted the potential of the Institute’s nutritional therapeutic product, ReVasca™, which has been shown to repair and restore microvascular health. “The implications for our therapeutic product, ReVasca™, are particularly exciting. Its application could potentially improve patients’ resilience to radiation therapy and reduce related toxicities,” he said. “ReVasca™ offers a promising approach to enhancing overall patient health and quality of life during and after therapy.”

The Glycocalyx Research Institute continues to lead in advancing the understanding and treatment of microvascular health. This study represents a significant advancement in the Institute’s mission to improve patient outcomes through innovative research and therapeutic solutions.

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