Evelyn Page Residents Embrace Banana Madness!

The efforts of Evelyn Page residents in supporting sustainable practices have yielded significant environmental benefits, according to Betsy Kettle from Sustainable North Trust. Using WasteMINZ calculations, it’s estimated that the team’s diversion of 190 tonnes of food from landfills translates to avoiding approximately 506 tonnes of CO2 equivalent emissions.

“We are incredibly thankful to Evelyn Page for their enthusiastic participation,” says Betsy. “Their engagement has been crucial to our success.”

Residents Graeme Howard, Sue Hoy, and Sylvia Glenister showed great interest during a visit to farmer Phil Grainger’s plantation, where they explored banana cultivation and the use of food scraps as fertilizer.

“It was truly inspirational; we were amazed,” says Sue, who hopes to mobilize volunteers from the village to support farm activities.

The collected food scraps from 19 participating organizations are processed at the farm using anaerobic fermentation with bokashi zing and mixed with biochar, enhancing soil quality. This practice, derived from Amazonian terra preta methods, transforms previously clay-heavy land into fertile ground suitable for banana cultivation.

Graeme, who initially proposed Evelyn Page’s involvement after reading about the pilot scheme in a local newspaper, praises Village Manager Jill Clark for swiftly recognizing the initiative’s benefits and endorsing participation.

“The regular collection of food scrap bins from the village shows how much composting has grown on the Hibiscus Coast,” Graeme reflects happily.

Betsy highlights the City to Farm scheme’s role in promoting a circular economy, illustrated by weekly deliveries of bananas to local kindergartens. Plans to involve Massey University experts aim to validate the scheme’s environmental and economic benefits.

“To expand effectively, we need specialized equipment to attract more farmers,” Betsy explains.

Graeme emphasizes the invaluable knowledge shared by Phil and Betsy, emphasizing its potential global impact.

Evelyn Page Village Manager Jill Clark expresses pride in contributing to community welfare and sustainable banana cultivation.

“In the realm of sustainability, our efforts today can pave the way for significant future changes,” she concludes.

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